Kered’s Call


Initially, Kered feels safe in the northern realm of Zapot, with his uncle Gonov and cousin Mirayla. Events rapidly unfold to prove otherwise, and after several attempts on his and Shouffa’s lives, Kered flees Ateppa. The Prophecy continues its work and Kered finds himself unwittingly gaining allies in first the Captain of the Ateppan Guard, Warro, and then the King of Lispen and his army. But can they be trusted? Does Warro secretly represent Gonov’s interests? Does King Lystra merely want the sword of Lispen back? The pressures mount and the only person Kered can trust, Shouffa, seems beguiled by the Lispen King.

In the castle at Tanaria, Kered’s friend Alacer continues to raise resistance to the Sarods, but Nactus is too cunning, and Alacer soon finds himself isolated. Worrying that Nactus’ grand plan will lead to the destruction of Tanaria and help is nowhere to be found, Alacer resorts to rash actions. And these have consequences …

The prophecy is gaining momentum with both Kered and Alacer being manipulated by the evil Nactus and forced to delve deeply for true courage and resilience. Emotions and tensions run high as Kered is slowly transformed from the Sharid, the stray, to the Prince of Darkness of the Prophecy.

For young adult and adult readers, 304 pages, Loranda Publishing, 2004.

SKU: 097524650X Category:

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