Undercover Mage


A grumpy river dragon withholds rain. Their crops wilting in unrelenting sunlight, the provinces plan a festival of dragon boat races to appease the dragon. But someone doesn’t agree … As the incidents of sabotage mount, Riverfall sends a desperate messenger to the aloof Mages’ Guild, hidden behind its deadly warded wall.

Mage Everand, a spy, is astounded when his master sends him to Riverfall to find out what’s going on. The catch? ‘Under no circumstances, none whatsoever, reveal your identity.’ The undercover mission unfolds with layer upon layer of intrigue, until Everand starts to question everything he believes. The alluring boatwoman, Lamiya, insists on helping him, making it increasingly difficult to conceal his purpose — and retain control of his heart. Everand faces an irate dragon, a rogue half-mage and, worst of all, a legacy of treachery and secrets underpinning the foundation of his beloved Guild. Can he save the provinces and make things right without sacrificing his soul and sense of self?

Ebook PDF version available here. The EPub version is available from the ASPG Inspiring Publishing online bookshop at: https://australianselfpublishinggroup.com/category/books/published-books/

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Fantasy with romance for adults, 418 pages. Released by Inspiring Publishing, September 2022

ISBN (paperback): 978-1-922792-51-8

ISBN (Ebook): 978-1-922792-53-2


“For those who treasure the realms of fantasy literature, Undercover Mage is an undisputed gem. Sutcliffe’s ability to craft multifaceted characters and intricate plotlines is nothing short of remarkable.”
– Customer review on Amazon, 3 Nov 2023

“Undercover Mage is a standout in the fantasy genre, especially for those who love a mix of magic, mystery, and a touch of romance. It’s a book that not only entertains but also immerses you in a richly imagined world. The background on the lore of the river dragon enriched the already vivid setting. Fans of magical adventures, intricate world-building, and character-driven stories will find a lot to appreciate in this book.”
– Customer review on Amazon, 14 Nov 2023



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